don’t know him or her until there is a quarrel. A quarrel tests character.
Knowledge grows from disagreement. Love is a deeper knowledge of your partner.
It is not just the romantic feeling, it is the feeling of tolerance, the
feeling of acceptance and understanding.
quarrel reveals weakness. It displays
quarrel creates a platform for the woman to submit and the man to show love.
run away from confrontation. A confrontation will give you revelation. To walk
away or to continue becomes clearer. Too much quarrel that ends with physical
abuse is a danger sign. It is saying , ‘Quit!’
quarrel creates room for patience. And patience is a virtue that can sustain a
relationship. Any relationship.
engaged couple came for counseling. They were preparing for marriage. The Pastor
asked, “How are things going?”
they said enthusiastically.
the pastor asked.
the couple chorused.
you had any quarrel? Any disagreement?”
woman responded, “No o. It has been wonderful all the way”. And both stared at
each other with a smile.
pastor nodded his head. “No ,that is not good at all. I can’t wed you both”
the lady asked.
and have a quarrel. Disagree on
something. Hurt yourself and see how much you can forgive yourselves. See how
you can disagree to agree. Your courtship is too good to be true”.
fight is important. It test your compatibility. But you must fight fair. I am
not talking about throwing insults at each other or physical assault. I am
talking about disagreements.
is not two perfect people. It is for two imperfect people who seek to make
their marriage perfect. They work hard to make sure that they are together.
They have a deep understanding for each other because they realize that they
are both fragile, human. And so they look up to God.
test of your compatibility is after the quarrel. It is your capacity to forgive
each other that determines how compatible you both are. Strong marriages are
built on forgiveness. The Press once asked Bill Graham’s wife , Ruth Graham , how
she had been able to stay with her husband for 60 years. She gave a smile and said, “I have
learnt to forgive Bill” .
see, there will be many offenses in your marriage. Does forgiveness for him/her
come easily, naturally? Please hear me. Forgiveness is not a feeling, it is
something we must do. I understand that. Forgiveness is a product of faith
acting without feelings. However, when it comes to compatibility and marriage,
your love for him/her should be strong enough to make forgiveness easier.
is an important test in compatibility. Again remember that a quarrel should
help you know when it is time to call it quit or not. Here is a mail I received
recently. Names have been changed for privacy reason .
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