Wednesday, May 30, 2012


When a man marries a GOOD WIFE, he is very happy; When he marries a BAD WIFE, HE BECOMES A PHILOSOPHER. Be careful who you marry. You see, marriage is not friendship. It serious business. You deserve happiness in your marriage. If you are a man you deserve respect and if you are a woman you deserve  love.
Remember, your husband is not just your friend, he is your lord. I know 21st century ladies are raising eye brows at that line. Sarah called Abraham Lord. Young woman, he is not your husband if you CANNOT respect him. The ‘honour’ should be something that comes to you almost naturally. Not that you are designed to be inferior but you should see that man and know you can respect him.
Submission begins in courtship. It must be said that it is not in a woman to submit because everything a man can be, a woman can be. She has the same mind and intelligence, save the same strength . Since our world runs on an intellectual platform and frequency a woman can match any man. The Scripture didn’t say a woman should submit to a man. It said a wife should submit to her husband. Submission is deliberate. It is almost not natural. It is an instruction from God, not a suggestion. The beautiful thing is that it is that which can activate the love of a man..Submission is the charm that can activate love. However, having said this, let me say that as a lady there are some men you cannot submit
to no matter how you try. This is important in compatibility. Your man should be someone you can call lord and friend. Now he doesn’t have to be richer or more intelligent than you. If , however, this is important to you, go for that. This will help you obey the commandment of submission.
Young woman, if  your submission in attitude to your finance doesn’t activate his love then he may not be the one. Submission should activate love. Indication that you are compatible is that this happens.
Young man, there is a respect that comes over you when you meet the person you want to marry. Men sleep with girls; but they marry wives. Sex is not ultimately in their mind, marriage is. She can be your wife. She can be the mother of your children. Look at you say of her in the company of your friends, “Please meet my wife”. And there is a broad smile on your face while everyone stands to shake   her and even call her madam.

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