A certain pastor was having trouble preparing his
sermon on Saturday morning. He was in his
study, thinking , reflecting and trying to draft out things. No ideas
were coming. He desperately needed to put together the sermon for the following
day. His wife had to go to buy groceries and his 5 year old son was playing
with himself, making loud playful noise in the sitting room. Irritated, the
pastor went to the sitting room to get his son to calm down. “Johnny,” he said,
“you are disturbing daddy. I need to prepare a sermon for tomorrow”
Johnny replied,
“Daddy, do you know that an airplane’s wings are very, very long?”. He was
gleeful and playful. Suddenly, the pastor had an idea. He went to his study,
brought back an old magazine, tore out the central page that had the map of the
world and ripped it into several pieces. Then he said to Johnny, “You know
what? If you put together the pieces of the world map, I will give $3”. He
assumed that it would keep Johnny quiet and be busy for a very long time,
giving him room to prepare his sermon.
However, in less
than 5 minutes Johnny was back in his study. “Daddy , I am through. Come and
see it.” His father went with him to the sitting room to see. Indeed, the
pieces had been put together.
“How did you do
it so fast, Johnny?” the pastor asked.
“Well, daddy, I
noticed that there was the picture of a man behind the world map. So I realized
that if I can put the man right I can put the world right. So I did. Then I
carefully turned it over it over and got the world right too.”
Amazing! Floods
of inspiration drained the pastor’s soul. He now had a message: If the man is
right, the world will be right!
We keep trying
to fix our world when we should be fixing ourselves. Once we are right, our
world would be right. Our world is only a reflection of us.

. love. marriage is not friendship. It serious business. You
deserve happiness in your marriage. If you are a man you deserve respect and if
you are a woman you deserve
your husband is not just your friend, he is your lord. I know 21st
century ladies are raising eye brows at that line. Sarah called Abraham Lord.
Young woman, he is not your husband if you CANNOT respect him. The ‘honour’ should be something that comes
to you almost naturally. Not that you are designed to be inferior but you
should see that man and know you can respect him.
begins in courtship. It must be said that it is not in a woman to submit
because everything a man can be, a woman can be. She has the same mind and
intelligence, save the same strength . Since our world runs on an intellectual
platform and frequency a woman can match any man. The Scripture didn’t say a
woman should submit to a man. It said a wife
should submit to her husband.
is deliberate. It is almost not natural. It is an instruction from God, not a
suggestion. The beautiful thing is that it is that which can activate the love
of a man..Submission is the charm that can activate love. However, having said
this, let me say that as a lady there are some men you cannot submit to no
matter how you try. This is important in compatibility. Your man should be
someone you can call lord and friend. Now he doesn’t have to be richer or more
intelligent than you. If , however, this is important to you, go for that. This
will help you obey the commandment of submission.
woman, if your submission in attitude to
your finance doesn’t activate his love then he may not be the one. Submission
should activate love. Indication that you are compatible is that this happens.
man, there is a respect that comes over you when you meet the person you want
to marry. Men sleep with girls; but they marry wives. Sex is not ultimately in
their mind, marriage is. She can be your wife. She can be the mother of your
children. Look at you say of her in the company of your friends, “Please meet
my wife”. And there is a broad smile on your face while everyone stands to
shake her and even call her madam.


One element that facilitates
sales is prospecting, and prospecting is the creative art of finding customers.
To sell big, first look for the big fish.
By that we mean, look for the main man in that company. The moment you get
him you get the entire company. Don’t deal with the supervisors and managers.
Ask for the director. And of course to do that, you must have a lot of
confidence. If you succeed at reaching the CEO, you would have made a big sale
if he agrees.
Another way to
sell big is to think multiplication. There is a limit to how
much you can sell alone. Traditional selling methods gets you to only earn from
you efforts. Network marketing , however, enables you to earn from the efforts
of all your down lines. I encourage you
to join a Network Marketing Business to appreciate the power of
You need a team.
A team will multiply your effort. You will quadruple your results when you
think multiplication through team work. The story is told of a horse pulling
competition that happened many years ago. The strongest horse was able to pull
4000 pounds of iron sledge, beating every other horse. The second strongest
horse was able to pull about 3500 pounds of iron sledge. When the organizers
came together to contemplate what would happen if the two horses came together
to pull the iron sledges, it was assumed that the partnership of the first two strongest horses would pull about
7500 pounds of iron sledges. They were wrong. When the two actually came
together, they pulled 9000 pounds of iron sledges. The fact is evident: Team
work multiplies your results.
A third way to
sell big is to build a reputation. In
other words, be known for selling one thing. When you sell many things, you
limit yourself. Look for a product you can believe in and stay at it. You will
become successful at something you do for a very long time. By staying
committed to a trade, you gain a reputation and your big sale is surely on the
Robert Greene
says, “Your reputation will always precede. It would exaggerate your presence
and qualities. Everything depends on reputation, guard it with all your heart”.
Another philosopher once said, “ It is better to have a bad conscience than to
have a bad reputation”.
A fourth way to
sell big is to Package and Repackage. Packaging
attracts. The common saying is true: Dress the way you want to addressed. If
you are selling to bankers, dress like them. If you are selling to lawyers,
dress in a conservative way. If you want to sell to poor people, dress in
bright colours. Dress their dreams. If you are selling to a CEO, don’t dress
like him, dress like his advisors. Some CEOs dress loosely and feel they have
worked hard enough and earned enough to dress that way. Dressing like them puts
you in their cade and literally insults them. If you are an upcoming sales
person, just dress the way their advisors dress.
If you are a
business man who has a product, remember that packaging attracts. Package your
product. People will first see your product before they hear you talk about it.
You may not have a second chance to make a first impression. Just by packaging companies sell dry cornflakes. Imagine what
you can sell if you will just repackage them. Even repackaging can change the
sales. A certain author changed the title and cover page of his book and his
slow selling book suddenly became a best seller.
Last but not the
least, use the power of scarcity. If
you are business man ,understand economics is about demand and supply. If you
are a lover, understand that love is about appearances and disappearances.
The flames of love grow sometimes in absence.
To sell big,
once you have been in the market for a while, withdraw for while. Once you are
missed and desired, reenter! Make the people want you. Make them search for
your product. Let it be a talk of town. Then when you are sure that the desire
is high, reenter the market. Scarcity increases value. But please don’t do this
unless you have initially entered the customers consciousness. You do that by
being everywhere. Then after a while you are found nowhere. This entry and
reentry is the game that will help you sell big in life. You see, by reducing
supply, you increase demand.
Selling big is a
mental game. First, you must be confident enough to search for the big fish, be
willing to think multiplication through team work, be consistent enough to be
known for one thing, package and repackage yourself for success, and withdraw
when you have entered their consciousness and then reenter.

With carefully
crafted words that have been known for ages to cause severe stir to people’s
internal conditioning, George Essien helps people to become the best they can
be. This dynamic, fast paced, insightful punch liner, is any audience’s want. A Television delight and
Radio regular, George’s motivational expertise enables him speak around the
nation at conferences, workshops, seminars, summits and events. He the first in
He is the
convener of biannually CONFERENCE OF ORATORS, a program for speakers and BUSINESS
WOMEN SUMMIT, a summit dedicated to helping women embrace entrepreneurship and
independence. As business trainer, he has helped trained hundreds of people in
the rural communities by showing them how produce ,package and promote products
like soap, cream, bleach, detergents and many more.
For more than 5
years this Microbiologist turn professional speaker and teacher has shaped the
minds of hundreds of thousands of people ,including his numerous seminar
attendees who attend his YIELDING EXPONENTIAL SUCCESS (YES!) Seminars regularly.
He is the publisher of the GET INSPIRED! Magazine and the author of 5
bestselling books. His books include: (1)SALARY IS ADDICTIVE; (2)HOW TO MAKE IT
George Essien is
also a creative writer who uses stories and anecdotes especially in novel
format to share universal truths and principles. Some of these works include:
(5) LIP WORK (6) BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE and many more still in the pipe line.
George Essien is
the presenter of a weekly television program called THOUGHTS OF THE WEEK and he
is a columnist in numerous National
He is the CHIEF
organization. He has worked with many organizations, helping them motivate
their staff members to be more productive and effective. He may be reached for
speaking engagements through the following powermindscommunity@yahoo.com, essien_success@yahoo.com, mrgeorgeessien@gmail.com.. Follow
him on twitter @GeorgeEssienPPC. Or on Facebook@ George Essien or you may call
him on 234 8187133153. 

Many people die
as copies. To die a copy is to die a slave. Masters are original. Personal
mastery is stamping your originality on earth. The copy adapts himself to the
world. The original adopts the world to himself.
Imitation is
Julius Charles
Hare once said, ‘ Be what you are. This the first step towards becoming better
than you are’. Look at how Samuel Johnson puts it. He says, ‘There lurks ,
perhaps in every human heart a desire of distinction, which inclines every man
first to hope and then to believe , that Nature has given him something
peculiar to himself’. How so true.
Personal mastery
is being a first rate version of yourself instead of a second-rate version of
somebody else. Listen to legendary playwright, William Shakespeare, speak, ‘God
has given you one face, and you make yourself another’. That quote reminds me
of this story. A certain woman was told she would die from cancer before she
would be 40, and she was few months away. She prayed to God on her sick bed and
God told her, ‘I will add 32 more years to your life’. His voice was so clear
and distinct to her. She got better and healed from the cancer to the amazement
of the doctors. A few months later, she was back to the hospital. This time to
do a facial plastic surgery. She was now on a beauty therapy. The day she was
released from the surgery to go home with a new face, she crossed the road and
was hit by an ambulance. She died. When she got up to meet God, the story says,
she asked God, ‘But I thought you said you will add 32 more years to my life’.
God replied, ‘I am sorry dear. I didn’t recognize you.’
Personal mastery
is being you, and having no apologies for being that. Andre Gide once said, ‘It
is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are
Dare to be
different. Dare to be ‘you’. The reward for conformity is that everyone likes
you except yourself. There is just one life for each of us, our own. Live it.
It takes a lot of courage to grow up and become who you really are.
Remember this:
Not all those who wander are lost. One who walks in another man’s track leaves
no footprint. Here is how R.W. Emerson, who was said to be the wisest man in
America in his time, puts it. He says, ‘Do not follow where the path may lead.
Go, instead, where there is no path and leave behind a trail.
You are a master
when you have your own opinion. You are a master when you make your choices and
accept the consequences. You are a master when you stand out from the crowd
rather than blend in. Anatole France once said, ‘If 50 million people say a
foolish thing. It is still foolish thing’. George Patton said, ‘If everyone is
thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.’ I love how Mark Twain ,
essayist, critic and philosopher, put it. He said, ‘Whenever you find yourself
on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect’
The opposite of
courage is not cowardice, it is conformity. Fashion is what you adopt when you
don’t know who you are. Most people prefer belief to the exercise of judgment.
‘When a true
genius appears’, said Jonathan Swift, ‘you may know him by this sign, that the
dunces are all the confederacy’. True. Very true. To be a genuine original
requires a great deal of courage strength and belief in oneself. It is not easy
to chart new territory, to cross new frontiers or to introduce subtle shadings
to an established colour.
Let me close
this chapter with words of R. W. Emerson. He says, ‘ Whatever you do, you need
courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you
are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe
that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and to follow it to
the end, require some courage which a soldier needs. Peace has its victories ,
but it takes brave men to win them.


all have nasty habits. Some have an odour, a belch , an attitude, a habit that
may not be pleasant. What can you tolerate? How much can you tolerate? You
should be able to stay with him/her in the toilet and not feel that that smell
is offensive. You should be able to kiss him or her and not feel any
repulsion(a physical activity like kissing before marry can lead to premarital
sex; I use the last line only to buttress a point).
woman, you grew up in poverty, struggled to pay your fees, and got a job, now a
scraggy looking, ‘my-future-is-bright’ fellow says he wants to marry you. If
that is okay for you, go for it. If you see his potential and believe you can both
make it together, no problem. But if it doesn’t feel right, if you think you
should have a break, if you think that your prince in charming and shining armour should be rich, go for it girl.
Especially if he is around the corner. You deserve the best. Go for what you
want, what you deserve. Having said this ,remember that it is true that there
is no guarantee that that young , poor man will become richer in the next 5
years. But there is also no guarantee
that that old, rich man will remain rich in the next 5 years. Life is about
twists and turns. Your choice should be based on personal conviction and
tolerance. God tests every relationship at the point of its motive.
Odili started relating with Julliet Bassey, and at some point decided that he
could marry her. But he didn’t have money. While Julliet Bassey loved him, she
kept seeing one banker who worked in a certain bank. Eventually, she broke his
heart and married that banker. James Odili was devastated. He was devastated
that his heart throb of so many years could do that to him. And he did go to
beg her. His pleas fell on deaf ears.
A few months after she left, he got into Shell
Training School and eventually got a job with them. Then Julliet’s banker
husband lost her job and she was now the one devastated. By this time, James
had gotten married to someone else. The other day James Odili himself told me
that they met.He met Julliet after a few years.
wish I had married you”, she told him. “I thought I would be happy , but I am
not. May be I married him for financial security reasons. But now that it is
not there, I don’t know whether I love him or not.”
Remember: God tests every relationship at the point of its motive.
There will be many things you
will have to tolerate. If you can’t
tolerate, don’t commit martially. Why? You will be tested along those
lines. If you propose to ANY LADY when you have a Pajero jeep,
live in a well furnished house, work in a N4OO,OOO a month salary outfit, SHE
WILL SAY ‘YES’...and usually she isn't the one. Be smart...it is difficult to see a
virtuous woman when you are made
Can you tolerate his/her nasty, petty habits?
Do you think you can suffer long with this person in sickness or in health?
is this saying that marriage is for enjoyment, not endurance. I disagree. I
think marriage is about both: enjoyment and endurance. Marriage is not a fairy
tale story. It never ends with ‘and they
lived happily after’. Life ends
its story with ‘and they lived happily
to the degree to which they made their marriage work’
is hard work. Are you ready?
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