Saturday, May 12, 2012


Speakers are readers....that is why they are leaders.They read long and wide.They have mental depth and wide capacity.They drink from the fountain of wisdom embedded in books, journals, magazines.Their appetite for knowledge is insatiable. They attend this seminar, that seminar hungry for knowledge. They buy books, and don't just buy them, they read them again and again.They are addicted to the wine of knowledge.

So when they speak, their words are rich with content.Their words are rich with value.The listener knows this man is prepared.He has researched his topic.He gives you facts, figures, history and anecdotes.They speak as one inspired, intoxicated, drunk. Ever seen a man speak under the influence of wine. He is a literal orator! He grabs your attention. He pours out his soul.You know him. His heart is laid bare.

What well are you drinking from? How often do you go there?Every speaker has a library he drinks regularly from.That library is his fountain.

Those who don't read are not better than does who cannot read. Any book you don't read would not help you. It was Benjamin Franklin who once said, "If a man pours his pocket into his head, nobody can take it away from him.An investment into knowledge yields the best interest". Learning is the treasure that accompanies its possessor where he goes.

I love the words of William Channing. He once said, "It is chiefly through books that we enjoy intercourse with superior minds. In the best of books great minds share their precious thoughts with us, pour their souls into ours. God be thanked for books". I like the word intercourse. There is exchange when you read from others.

Drink friend, drink! We need the inspiration to be bold while we speak.We need to keep our audience's attention, solve their problems. Yes, we are the gods they see.

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