Your personal enemy number one is not outside of you; it is inside of you. Your personal enemy number one is not another person, it is emotional.Your personal enemy number one is your fear.
Fight your fears vehemently; for fear will paralyse your initiatives, and when there is no initiative or action there is no progress. You see, your fear is a kind of faith, it is believing in impossibilities. The truth is that fear is as powerful as faith. What faith can do positively, faith can do negaively.
Let me share with you 3 thoughts on fear.
(1.) WE ALL HAVE FEARS. That is true.2 kinds of fear exist: Rational fear and Irrational fear. Rational fear is that healthy , reasonable fear. You fear the pains of ignorance that is why you go for knowledge, that is why you go to school. It is rational fear that gets you to insure your life. It is rational fear to eat good food to prevent sickness, to work smart and hard to avoid poverty; it is what gets you to live right not to displease God.This fear is okay. Irrational fear are extreme fears. Exaggerated fears. Like fear of rejection, fear of death, fear of poverty, fear of old age, fear of failure in its extreme forms.
It should be noted that we all have fears but what kind of fear do you have? Rational fear or Irrational fear.
(2)WE CAN DEVELOP FAITH AND SURPRESS OUR FEARS. Faith is the reciprocal of faith. A writer once wrote, "Fear knocked at the door. Faith opened it, but there was no one there." Faith is believing in the possibility of anything. Faith is believing that you too can make it. While fear is your number one enemy, faith is your number one friend.
(3)IF YOU CAN OVERCOME THE FEAR OF CRITICISM AND FEAR OF FAILURE, THERE IS HARDLY ANYTHING YOU CANNOT ACHIEVE. When it comes to success, the fear of failure and the fear of criticism will greatly hinder you. You see, opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth. The worst thing you can do is to become a slave or prisoner of people's opinion. If you want to fail , try to please everyone. Understand that people will always talk yet you musy act in spite of that.
Fearing failure will stop you from taking risk.Until you take chances you make advances. It is better to try and fail than to fail to try. R.W. Emerson once said, "Do things you fear and the death of fear is certain".So go for it today. All the best.
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