Saturday, May 12, 2012


By the time I dropped my University penin September of 2007, I was already N600,000 richer.I was 25, bristling with energy and alot of enthusiasm and ideas.By the end of that year, I had put together N1million Naira.Ready and raring to go as motivational speaker, consultant and business man.I ventured into the murky waters of business.I befriended Business.

And she raped me.
She wasn't lenient.She took it all.
From 1 Million naira rich to more than a million in debt.3 other businesses failed.
Friends walked away.
Creditors were at my door.
It was a hard one.I had lost my innocence.

Today, I still befriend Business.But I am smarter now.I know where my money goes.I realize that business is not for good people.It is not for virgins.It is for tough people.Smart people.

Now, I am as "calm as a dove but wise as a serpent"
(Pause and consider)

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